7 food items to avoid for healthy skin

7 food items to avoid for healthy skin

Food is fuel for the body, and the organs depend on a delicate balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for better functioning. Abrupt changes in daily foods can trigger increased blood pressure or blood glucose. Also, the skin is the body’s largest organ, weighing 8 pounds and stretching over 22 square feet for a full-grown adult. Daily nutrition directly affects skin health, so the following foods should be eliminated to preserve skin integrity.

Sweets and desserts
Candies, sweets, ice creams, baked goods, sweet confectionaries like pastries, and doughnuts are all made from refined sugars. These are empty calories that the body cannot process, only to a spike in blood glucose levels. Sugar primarily breaks down elastin and collagen, two important components for maintaining skin texture and sheen.

Chocolate is a deadly combination of sugar and caffeine, two ingredients that harm skin health. The body metabolizes these empty calories, leaving sugar in the bloodstream. An imbalance in blood glucose levels triggers a sudden increase in sebum production (the oils that fill up pores, causing acne), increasing the risk of breakouts. Consuming chocolate in moderation or eliminating it is better to avoid acne flare-ups.

Deli meats
Bacon, hot dogs, and pepperoni are popular cuts of meat sold at deli counters across the country. However, these cuts of meats are laced with nitrates and preservatives that trigger skin inflammation. Inflammation causes the skin to lose texture and form fine lines or wrinkles. Such cuts of meats also contain salts added during the curing, frying, or baking process. High levels of sodium affect collagen production, which is necessary to maintain good skin health.

Processed foods
Fast food favorites, including burgers, fries, sandwiches, hot dogs, chicken wings, nuggets, potato chips, and fried foods, contain excess saturated fats, trans fats, preservatives, and salts. These foods add no nutritional value, increase blood pressure, and cause an imbalance in blood glucose levels. These high-calorie, high-fat foods trigger inflammation that affects skin health.

Spicy foods
Green chilies, red chilies, garlic, ginger, herbs, and other spice-driven condiments used in daily cooking contain capsaicin, an ingredient that triggers inflammatory responses. Spicy foods increase blood pressure, cause blood vessels to dilate, and trigger excess production of sebum oils that clog the pores. It is advisable to avoid spicy foods, especially when suffering from existing skin conditions like rosacea or even adult acne.

Milk, butter, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, cream, and curds are all dairy products that contain hormones. Consuming excess milk and milk products can trigger oil production on the skin, which results in acne. The excess oils block the pores and cause the skin to break out. It is best to avoid dairy or try soy, almond, and rice-based substitutes for milk.

Sodas and carbonated beverages
Sweet drinks, sugary beverages, flavored sodas, carbonated water, and fruit juices all contain excess sugar. Consuming a glass of soda is equivalent to eating two spoons of sugar. This goes for sweetened teas and energy drinks that contain sugar and caffeine as the primary ingredients.